Issue - meetings

Warwickshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

Meeting: 15/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Warwickshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To consider a report outlining the Warwickshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan along with the information gathered and consultation process undertaken.

Additional documents:


Councillor Jan Matecki, Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning, introduced the report which described the Warwickshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and summarised the information gathering and consultation process that had taken place.


Councillor Matecki explained that the plan would build on the work currently underway, whilst supporting and responding to the demands for more cycling, walking and active travel provision.  In addition, the proposals assisted with the reduction of Co2 emissions and demonstrated commitment to the LTP4 programme. 


Councillor Tim Sinclair addressed the meeting as Chair of the cross-party Cycling Group, acknowledging the work undertaken to get the plan to this stage and recognising the meaningful consultation that had taken place.  He highlighted the need for action now and thanked all officers and Members involved in pushing this work forwards.


Councillor Roodhouse also welcomed the document and recognised how hard officers had worked with the consultation groups.  He looked forward to taking the plan back to Rugby Town Council and hoped the funding would be forthcoming to match the ambitions.


Councillor Heather Timms, Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture, praised the officers involved in the work and highlighted the links to the Sustainable Futures Strategy.  She noted that additional funding would help to drive the rural economy in Warwickshire and hoped the projects would encourage healthier living. 


Councillor Matecki therefore proposed the recommendations as laid out.




That Cabinet approves the Warwickshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.