Issue - meetings

Risk Register

Meeting: 06/11/2023 - Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Local Pension Board of the Firefighters' Pension Scheme (Item 2)

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The item was introduced by Vicky Jenks (Pensions Admin Delivery Lead), who provided updates on the items on the risk register.

An integrated service provider had been procured by West Yorkshire Pension Fund (WYPF), which would enable the dashboards to connect to data held by WYPF on behalf of Warwickshire. The dashboards would allow pension scheme members to log in and see all of their different pensions in one place. However some more work was needed to ensure the correct data was supplied to the WYPF by Warwickshire payroll, so that data accessed my members was as accurate as it could be The connection date was originally due to be in September 2024, but due to more information regarding IT infrastructure being needed this had been pushed back to October 2026. The data access point (DAP) where members would be able to access the dashboards was yet to be confirmed.

Regarding the second modified retained exercise, Vicky Jenks said Warwickshire held pay data back to 2000. However, for some firefighters there was a need for pay data going back to the 1960s. As pay pre-2000 was no longer available the calculations would be based on rates of pay available on the LGA website, and firefighters would be given the option of purchasing 25 per cent of a wholetime firefighter’s service for each year they were employed. Vicky Jenks said the end date for this piece of work was 31 March 2025.

Responding to a question from the Chair regarding remedy cases (age discrimination) and the level of risk indicated on the risk register, Vicky Jenks confirmed all the information required by WYPF had been supplied by Warwickshire, so the level of risk had decreased. There wasn’t a specific risk included on the register associated with remedy cases, as it was included within another risk.

Members noted the content of the update report.