Issue - meetings

Warwickshire County Council 2022/23 Annual Audit Letter

Meeting: 19/12/2023 - County Council (Item 2)

2 External Auditors' Annual Audit Report 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 59 KB

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Councillor Peter Butlin (Deputy Leader of the Council) moved the motion and introduced this report, noting the improvement since the previous year’s report.  Councillor Adrian Warwick seconded the motion.


Mr Avtar Sohal was in attendance as a representative of Grant Thornton to present the report.  Mr Sohal drew attention to the executive summary in the report, and noted that overall it was a good report with no significant weaknesses to be highlighted. 


Councillor Holland stated his understanding that the purpose of the external auditor’s report was to reassure the public and asked for comment on recent media reports describing the Audit & Standards Committee Chair experiencing ‘discomfort’ at the way an historic issue had been handled by the auditors.  Mr Sohal explained that this related to an objection to a previous set of accounts which was being dealt with and would be completed shortly.




A vote was held. The recommendation was agreed by a majority.




That Council:


1.     Notes the Annual Audit Report of the External Auditors, attached to the report at Appendix A; and

2.     Requests that Audit and Standards Committee review the delivery of the management action in response to the recommendations in the Annual Audit Report.


Meeting: 30/11/2023 - Audit and Standards Committee (Item 8)

8 Warwickshire County Council 2022/23 Annual Audit Letter pdf icon PDF 70 KB

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Avtar Sohal said auditors had considered financial sustainability and value for money in terms of improving economy, efficiency and effectiveness. There had been no significant weaknesses identified in any of the criteria, with financial sustainability and governance being given a green rating. An amber rating had been given to improving economy, efficiency and effectiveness and three improvement recommendations had been made. These related to outstanding improvements from a CQC inspection relating to local area arrangements for SEND, and the outcome of a September 2023 inspection of Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service from HMICFRS.Avtar Sohal said Warwickshire’s report compared very favourably with other local authorities, and officers should feel proud of the arrangements they had put in place. Some councils had a number of red ratings which indicated significant issues with future financial sustainability; Warwickshire had some amber ratings, although this was not seen as a significant weakness.


The Chair said people should be greatly encouraged by the contents of the letter and thanked everyone who had been involved in its production. Rob Powell said he was confident in how well-run the Council was from a financial perspective.