To consider approving the Admission Arrangements Co-ordinated Scheme and In Year process for school admissions during the 2025/2026 Academic year and in future years where appropriate.
Additional documents:
Councillor Kam Kaur, Portfolio Holder for Education, introduced the report which explained that all schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out how children would be admitted, including the criteria that will be applied if there were more applications than places at the school. This report outlined the process for school admissions during the 2025/26 academic year.
Councillor Kaur advised that Warwickshire County Council was the admission authority for 91 schools and explained that academy schools were their own decision maker. She provided an overview of the benefits of the process in relation to pupil safeguarding and the ability to track vulnerable children. In addition, she highlighted the information in the report relating to the student intake at Kingsbury Primary and Newbury Primary Schools. Details of the consultation and any relevant changes by the Department for Education were reflected in the report.
Having received no questions from Members, Councillor Kaur outlined the recommendations as detailed in the report.
That Cabinet
1) Approves the Admission Arrangements, Co-ordinated Scheme and In Year process for school admissions during the 2025/2026 Academic year, as outlined in Appendix 1, Appendix 2 and Appendix 3; and
Authorises the Executive Director for Children and Young People in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Education to approve the Admission Arrangements, Co-ordinated Scheme and In Year admission process in future years, unless those arrangements or schemes are subject to consultation as outlined in Section 1.