5 Year End Integrated Performance Report 2023/24 PDF 144 KB
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A report outlining the year end performance of the Communities Directorate during 2023/2024, was introduced by Steve Smith (Director for Strategic Infrastructure and Climate Change). The report and the layout of the appendices and information were discussed.
It was noted that there continued to be an increase of costs in high spend areas such as home to school transport which put a stretch on resources, capacity, and workload. Retention and recruitment issues were noted, these being in specific areas such as in highways, planning, legal and finance with emerging challenges including staff absences in areas such as business support and customer service.
However, it was emphasised that the Communities directorate had a positive year end with 86% of performance measures on track or met. Particular attention was given to two areas, apprenticeship support and a strong waste performance in both measurable areas.
Management of finances was reflected in those areas facing difficulties, notably the home to school transport area. The focus for the new financial year would be on forecasting and maintaining the budget. Risk areas were highlighted with mention of the growth strategy in place and a focus across the county. Sustainable Futures would be a focus with target areas of energy, de-carbonisation of the estate and fleet strategy.
Resolved that That the Committee considered and commented on Year End 2023/24 organisational performance, progress against the Integrated Delivery Plan, management of finances and risk.