Issue - meetings

Year End Integrated Performance Report 2023/24

Meeting: 26/06/2024 - Resources and Fire & Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Year End Integrated Performance Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 156 KB

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The Chair invited members to ask questions regarding the report. Councillor Feeney asked if changes to the Energy Strategy were incumbent on the outcome of the forthcoming General Election. A written response would be provided.


Councillor Boad noted there were no targets relating to fire-related deaths and injuries, and number of road traffic collisions attended by WFRS. The Chair said he had always been uncomfortable with the way this had been reported, while appreciating the importance of the need for the statistics to be recorded. He suggested a working party be put together to examine revised ways of recording the information. Councillor Sinclair said he was uncomfortable with it being given a RAG rating as it would inevitably be red, regardless of how much work took place to reduce incident numbers.


Councillor Sinclair asked about output delivery of schemes by the Property and Development Group and capital programmes, noting they were currently below target. Craig Cusack (Director, Enabling Services) said this was due to timings and complexities associated with some of the schemes, any delays would be recovered.  Significant work had been undertaken to improve overall management of capital schemes which should reduce future slippage.


Responding to a question from Councillor Sinclair regarding sickness levels, Bal Jacob (Director of Workforce and Local Services) said robust data was available to managers via dashboards giving greater visibility. A more proactive approach was taking place and more support and awareness was available, particularly in relation to mental health and wellbeing. Bal Jacob said it was known which areas had more significant sickness levels and additional support is provided to these services. She added that rising sickness absence was a national issue and not one that was unique to Warwickshire.


Members noted the contents of the report.