5 Year End Integrated Performance Report 2023/24 PDF 138 KB
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The Committee received a report outlining the Year End 2023/24 organisational performance, progress against the Integrated Delivery Plan and management of finances and risk.
John Coleman, Director of Children & Families Service, introduced the report and signposted Members to key areas including xxx detailed in paragraph 2.4. He advised that there was an improvement around the number of children in education and employment. John Coleman also brought Members attention to the following performance data:
· The number of maintained schools in budget deficit had risen;
· The percentage of in year applications had improved but needed further progress (see page 39);
· The number of children in need and in child protection had risen to 3700, impacting on caseloads for social workers, highlighting a rise in the number of children requiring support;
· The overspend in the Children & Families service was detailed in Appendix 3;
· The average cost of residential care had risen from £4500 to £6500/£7000 per week, per child.
In relation to the Integrated Delivery Plan detailed at Appendix 2, there had been some progress but some areas had been compromised. For example, Bedworth were the only area with no County Council youth centre but there were plans to bring one forwards in the future. In addition, the Children’s Homes project was progressing well with some sites awaiting Ofsted inspections.
Following a query from Councillor Kerridge regarding measures that were static or in decline, John Coleman gave assurance that detailed plans were in place to address this but some areas were more challenging than others.
Members also discussed the percentage of students in mainstream school with an EHCP. Nigel Minns advised that 12 new EHCP’s had been issued last year and already figures were expected to increase to 1070 this year, with 448 in the system currently. He reiterated the main driver to keep children with SEND in local communities and schools.
Councillor Piers Daniell asked for the number of schools that would have resourced provision by September and what the process was for providing that once requested. Nigel Minns, Executive Director for Children and Young People, advised that it was key to get as many schools up and running as quickly as possible so as soon as the provision was requested, the need was checked for that area, and funds provided.
Rachel Jackson advised that in 2023, a total of 195 schools had resourced provision available, and the target for 2024/25 was to increase that to 231.
Nigel Minns later responded advising that the number of schools in receipt of resourced provision would be 529 by 2028.
That the report is noted.