4 Integrated Performance Report Quarter 1 2024/25 PDF 129 KB
To receive a report providing a retrospective summary of the Council’s performance at the end of Quarter 1 (April 2024 - June 2024) against the strategic priorities and Areas of Focus set out in the Council Plan 2022-2027. The paper sets out a combined picture of the Council’s delivery, performance, HR, and risk.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Yousef Dahmash
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Councillor Yousef Dahmash (Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation) introduced the published report which presented a combined picture of the Council’s delivery against corporate objectives, performance indicators, human resources, and risk. Councillor Dahmash noted that the Council’s overall performance remained strong, despite the challenging financial environment which had an impact on resources and demand. There also remained some uncertainty regarding the government’s policy direction and clarification on this was awaited. However, 80% of Council Delivery Plan actions were on track and in terms of the Performance Management Framework, 55 of the 67 Key Business Measures were available for reporting with 76% on track and an overall forecast of stability. Staff sickness levels remained an area of challenge and work to address this was ongoing.
Councillor Tim Sinclair highlighted the interest that Resources and Fire and Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee had taken regarding staff absence, which received a positive response from Cabinet.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse noted that the statistics regarding Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) reflected the level of pressure. In terms of workforce, he noted that there was some stabilisation regarding mental health and stress but overall this was still above performance levels. He noted that work was in progress but with more pressure in sight, it was important to do more to support staff and keep focus on this area.
That Cabinet:
1. Notes the Quarter 1 2024/25 organisational performance; and
2. Agrees to refer the report to Overview and Scrutiny Committees to consider, in detail, the information relevant to their individual remits.