Issue - meetings

County Highways Review of licensed activities and charges

Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 County Highways Review of licenced activities and charges pdf icon PDF 106 KB

A report outlining a new pricing structure for licences and services provided by County Highways, following a recent review.


Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Jan Matecki

Additional documents:


Members received a report requesting approval for proposed increases in fees and charges for licenced and permissive highway activities. 


Councillor Jan Matecki, Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning, introduced the report, explaining that the Council as the Local Highway Authority (LHA) licenced various activities specified in the Highways Act 1980 and permitted other activities to take place on the highway through the submission and approval of licence applications. The Council had the power to charge for carrying out these functions under the Local Authorities (Transport Charges) Regulations 1998.


Councillor Matecki referred to the challenges local authorities faced in balancing budgets and advised that this service had not increased charges for a number of years.  The proposed changes had been benchmarked with other council services and neighbouring authorities and whilst this would not bring in revenue, costs would be covered, avoiding the need to subsidise the service. 


Having received no questions or queries, Councillor Matecki outlined the recommendations as written.




That Cabinet approves the proposed increases in fees and charges for licenced and permissive highway activities at the levels detailed in this report.