Issue - meetings

S73 application seeking permission for the variation of condition 2 of planning permission RBC/22CC007 for a new fire rescue training centre including a 'hot smoke house' Minerva fire simulation training facility, a welfare building, on-site parking,

Meeting: 09/01/2024 - Regulatory Committee (Item 3)

3 S73 application seeking permission for the variation of condition 2 of planning permission RBC/22CC007 for a New fire rescue training centre including a 'hot smoke house' Minerva fire simulation training facility, a welfare building, on-site parking, pdf icon PDF 150 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair introduced the item and reminded members that the original application had been approved in summer 2023 by the Committee.  It was noted that the application was a Warwickshire County Council application.


The original application had very detailed design proposals and the current application seeking permission to vary condition 2 was missing these details.  It was confirmed that the Chair and Vice-Chair had agreed to suggest to the Committee that the application today be deferred so that the additional details can be requested. 


The Chair moved to defer the application.  Councillor John Cooke seconded the proposal to defer.  A vote was held, and the Committee unanimously agreed to defer the application.




That the Regulatory Committee defer the application in order that more details can be provided on the proposed variation to Condition Two.