Issue - meetings

Warwickshire Pension Fund Accounts 2022/23

Meeting: 19/12/2023 - County Council (Item 4)

4 Warwickshire Pension Fund Accounts 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

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Councillor Christopher Kettle moved the recommendation set out in the report and the additional recommendation that had been tabled at the meeting. Councillor Brian Hammersley seconded.


Councillor Bill Gifford commended the Pension Team and Fund Advisors for the good health of the Fund, which was well managed with the careful assessment of risks.   He also noted that the Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee had taken a keen interest in seeking improvements in the pension fund’s responsibilities in terms of climate change and sustainability.


Councillor Ian Shenton welcomed the growth that had been seen in recent years and was reassured that the fund was stable for its members.


Councillor Hammersley assured Members that the fund was being properly managed and the Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee was ably supported by a number of independent advisors.


Councillor Christopher Kettle noted that the Fund was in an excellent position and reflected on the Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee’s areas of focus in terms of climate change, cyber security and business continuity.  He also expressed thanks to the officer support team, some of whom were leaving the authority (Andy Felton, Victoria Moffat and Vicky Jenks) and acknowledged the contribution that they had made to the Sub-Committee’s meetings.




A vote was held. The recommendation was agreed unanimously.




That Council:


1.     Approves the Warwickshire Pension Fund Statement of Accounts for 2022/23; and

2.     Authorises the Executive Director for Resources in consultation with the Chair  of the Council to amend the accounts for any final adjustments requested by the external auditors prior to the accounts being formally published and requires a report to the next Audit and Standards Committee setting out the changes.