Issue - meetings

Risk Register

Meeting: 12/02/2024 - Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Local Pension Board of the Firefighters' Pension Scheme (Item 2)

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The item was introduced by Lisa Eglesfield (Pension Administration Delivery Manager). The risk register had been reviewed as per usual practice, with the section relating to the Matthews project being the only one to receive an update. This was to reflect the availability of a revised calculator from the government’s actuarial department and historic pay information, meaning it was now possible for retained officers who were active at a set time to be able to buy into their service pension. Calculations were now taking place, although Lisa Eglesfield said in response to a question from the Chair that some of these would need to be done on a manual basis as some retained officers were still in scope and there were limitations on the new calculator’s ability to calculate payments for certain people. Issues relating to this were being reported back to the LGA.


Members noted the contents of the risk register.