Issue - meetings

Strategic Risk Management Framework

Meeting: 23/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Strategic Risk Management Framework pdf icon PDF 174 KB

To consider a report requesting approval of the refreshed Strategic Risk Management Framework.


Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Yousef Dahmash

Additional documents:


Councillor Yousef Dahmash introduced the report which requested approval of the refreshed Strategic Risk Management Framework.  He referred to the officer working group in place since last year which had been tasked with refreshing the risks and looking at the framework which had been in place since 2020/21. 


Councillor Yousef highlighted that the majority of the document remained unchanged, but a summary of the changes had been included in section 4 of the report.  These included updates to reflect the current Council Plan, a revision of risk appetite and the use of simplified language to help make the document more accessible.


Councillor Sinclair welcomed the report and queried if it was possible to compare this with other authorities’ risk management frameworks.  The Leader reminded him that a lot of benchmarking took place through the Council’s membership of the Local Government Association.


Councillor Sinclair agreed and felt it would be interesting to see what other Councils were perceiving as risks, in case it had not been taken into account at Warwickshire.


Councillor Yousef outlined the recommendations and it was




That Cabinet approves the refreshed Strategic Risk Management Framework at Appendix 1 and supports the approach to risk management recommended by the Framework.