9 Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board Serious Violence Prevention Strategy 2024-30 PDF 88 KB
To receive a report outlining the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Serious Violence Prevention Strategy 2024-30, along with the summary document.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder– Councillor Andy Crump
Additional documents:
Councillor Crump addressed the meeting and outlined the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Serious Violence Prevention Strategy 2024-30. He explained that the strategy ensured that statutory duties were met and addressed the occurrences and underlying causes of violence. He gave assurances that Warwickshire was one of the safest places to live with localised incidents arising from a variety of factors.
Councillor Crump went on to explain the work undertaken with a variety of partners and the Community Safety Team and the limited period of funding from the Home Office. He reiterated the strong links the County had with partners which enabled a robust approach and the ambitions to enhance the current offering. He looked forward to continuing this work across the County.
Councillor Judy Falp praised the partnership working and the input from the report author, Jonathan Toy, Head of Trading Standards and Community Safety. She reiterated the concerns raised regarding the limited funding from government as the hope was to carry on with the work.
Councillor Roodhouse echoed the funding issue and supported the comments made about strong partnership working. He described the difficulties experienced by the Health and Wellbeing Board who often had to balance different priorities with the ICB relating to Domestic Abuse and Mental Health services.
Councillor Crump thanked Members for their comments and recognised the team of officers involved in bringing the strategy together. He outlined the recommendations as per the report.
That Cabinet
1) Endorses the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Serious Violence Prevention Strategy 2024-30 (Appendix 1) and the summary document (Appendix 2); and
Supports the approach being taken to address the Serious Violence Duty in Warwickshire and the County Council’s contribution to meeting the duty.