Issue - meetings

Planning Application NWB/23CM002 for proposed remodelling of metal reclamation and recycling processing works at Flexdart, Marsh Lane, Water Orton, Birmingham B46 1NS

Meeting: 03/09/2024 - Regulatory Committee (Item 5)

5 Planning Application NWB/23CM002 for proposed remodelling of metal reclamation and recycling processing works at Flexdart, Marsh Lane, Water Orton, Birmingham B46 1NS pdf icon PDF 175 KB

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The item was introduced by Paul Wilcox (Senior Planner). He outlined to members the proposals that had been made, including the construction of a new material handling building that had a floor space of 2,780 square metres. Existing buildings would either be retained, relocated or demolished.


The site was within the Green Belt and it had been proposed to develop the section closest to the adjoining motorway, which was previously undeveloped land. This would be offset by the creation of a new attenuation pond and a piece of land on the opposite side of the road that would be used to offset biodiversity. This would generate a 14.3 per cent biodiversity net gain. Paul Wilcox said the proposals would improve the facility in terms of appearance and environmental controls, and help alleviate traffic flow into the site. It had been proposed to reduce the speed limit on the adjoining road to 50 miles per hour. No objections had been raised in relation to the application and it had the support of the Parish Council.


The Chair stated his belief the proposals represented a significant improvement and proposed the recommendations be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Warwick and agreed by all members.


Resolved unanimously


That the Regulatory Committee supports the application and authorises consultation with the Secretary of State in accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2021 and notifies the Secretary of State that it is minded to grant of planning permission for proposed remodelling of metals reclamation and recycling processing works, subject to a S106 agreement and conditions and for the reasons contained within Appendix B of the report of the Strategic Director for Communities; and that the Regulatory Committee authorises the Officers to issue planning permission if the Secretary of State notifies the authority that it does not intend to issue a direction under section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and subject to the completion of the S106 agreement.