3 Devolution for Warwickshire Update PDF 155 KB
A report providing an update on the position regarding a potential devolution deal for Warwickshire.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Isobel Seccombe
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Councillor Isobel Seccombe, Leader, explained that since the publication of the Levelling up White Paper in 2022, the Council had been actively exploring the progression of devolution options for Warwickshire. Following the Government’s Autumn statement in 2023, the Government had set out its intention to offer Level 2 devolution powers to councils that covered a functional economic or whole county area, and this Council had re-stated an interest in a Level 2 deal. Councillor Seccombe noted the engagement with district and borough councils, MPs, the WMCA and other strategic partners, that had taken place and highlighted the work of the County Councils Network (CCN) towards the delivery of a standardised deal for the eight county councils who had expressed interest in progressing at this stage. This paper set out the content of the deal alongside an initial assessment of what it could mean for Warwickshire.
Councillor Martin Watson welcomed the report and the transfer of powers to the Council, particularly in relation to the Local Skills Improvement Plan which would bolster the work that had been done to date in supporting adults with learning difficulties into work.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse applauded the work of the CCN, and he considered the elements relating to the skills agenda to be the highlight of the deal and he looked forward to how this would be developed in Warwickshire.
Councillor John Holland considered that more local decision making would result in better quality decisions and hoped that the deal would come to fruition. He noted the statement about there being no extra funding for Warwickshire but that if the spending was delegated then there would be associated administration costs which needed to be resourced and a new government, following the general election, may wish to review the position.
Councillor Jonathan Chilvers welcomed the report and that the Council would be one of the first authorities to benefit from the standard deal negotiated.
Councillor Isobel Seccombe emphasised the Council’s ability to deliver on a clear plan and vision to take a deal forward at some pace. She looked forward to an announcement by government in the next few weeks.
That Cabinet supports progressing a Level 2 devolution deal for Warwickshire and authorises the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to negotiate and finalise a devolution agreement for Warwickshire, subject to any further Council approvals necessary in respect of legislative changes required to implement the deal.