Issue - meetings

Pensions Delegation Update

Meeting: 04/03/2024 - Staff and Pensions Committee (Item 5)

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Jan Cumming (Senior Solicitor and Team Leader, Commercial and Contracts) introduced the report, stating that Warwickshire County Council’s status as a Fire and Rescue Authority meant that it was the Scheme Manager of the Firefighter’s Pension Fund. In 2015, it had been decided to delegate the role of Scheme Manager of the Fire Pension Fund to the Chief Fire Officer. However, in practical terms the oversight of administration of the Fire Pension Fund was managed by the Finance Team. Day-to-day activities were largely outsourced to the West Yorkshire Pension Fund under a contract managed by the Finance Team. Having discussed this matter, the Chief Fire Officer and the Executive Director for Resources had concluded that it would be preferable for these finance-based functions to have the oversight of the Council’s Chief Finance Officer and thus be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources.


Jan Cumming advised that, at the meeting of the Staff and Pensions Committee in December 2023, updates were proposed to the Fund’s Conflict of Interest Policy. The report included clarification that the Executive Director for Resources held the role of s151 for the Council and therefore for the Council in its capacity as Administering Authority for the Pension Fund. To avoid the perception of any conflict, day-to-day functions required in respect of the Pension Fund were delegated to the Director of Finance. These functions were delegated to the post, rather than an individual, and were currently exercised by the Interim Director of Finance pending a permanent appointment to the role. The Committee’s approval was sought for the recommendations of the report.


Councillor Millar moved that the recommendations be accepted and was seconded by Councillor Hammersley. This was supported unanimously by the Committee.




That the Staff and Pensions Committee:


1.     Approves the delegation of the role of Scheme Manager of the Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Firefighter’s Pension Fund to the Executive Director of Resources as set out in paragraph 1 of the report.


2.     Approves the amendments to the Conflict of Interest Policy for the Warwickshire Pension Fund set out in Appendix 1 of the report.