Issue - meetings

Appointment of Cabinet Portfolios, Delegation of Executive Functions and Appointments to Bodies

Meeting: 14/05/2024 - Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions (Item 1)

1 Appointment of Cabinet Portfolios, Delegation of Executive Functions and Appointments to Bodies pdf icon PDF 78 KB

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The Leader of the Council, Councillor Izzi Seccombe, confirmed to the Council meeting her decisions concerning appointments to Portfolios and other bodies.




1.     That Councillor Peter Butlin be appointed as Deputy Leader.


2.     That the terms of reference and specific powers of the Cabinet Portfolios (and Cabinet Support as applicable) and the appointments to them be as set out in the appendix.


3.     That the following are appointed to the bodies listed below:





Joint Negotiating Body – Staff (2 Cabinet


Isobel Seccombe

 Yousef Dahmash

Joint Negotiating Body –

Teachers (2 Cabinet members)

 Kam Kaur

 Yousef Dahmash

Adoption Panel (1)

 Marian Humphreys


Fostering Panel (1)

 Mandy Tromans


ESPO Management Committee (2 – of which 1 to be a Cabinet


 Peter Butlin

 Richard Baxter-Payne

ESPO Finance and

Audit Committee*

 Peter Butlin



* To be one of the members appointed to sit on the ESPO Management Committee


4.     That the delegation of executive functions to members, officers and/or other bodies as set out in the Constitution are confirmed.




Leader Decision Making Session – 14 May 2024


The Portfolios and Terms of Reference for municipal year 2024/25 are confirmed as follows:





The Leader will lead the work of the Council and Cabinet and in particular reserves to herself responsibility for the Council’s external relations and overall strategic partnerships.  This includes the making of commitments in partnership settings provided those commitments fall within the Council’s governance arrangements, particularly its budget and policy framework. The Leader will also retain oversight of any emerging Devolution Deal and the approach to Levelling Up.

Cllr Izzi Seccombe

Deputy Leader

(Finance & Property)

Deputising for the Leader, finance, delivery of the revenue budget and the overall capital programme; procurement and contract management; property; smallholdings; facilities management; oversight of infrastructure delivery and the education capital programme.

Cllr Peter Butlin


Adult Social Care & Health

Social care services to adults including the delivery of social care and support to older people and people with disabilities; policies and services for safeguarding adults and adult mental health services. Health, including public health and the integration of health with the Council particularly adult and children’s services. Oversight of the arrangements for commissioning adult social care services.

Cllr Margaret Bell

Children & Families

Overall responsibility for the co-ordination of children’s services. Specific responsibility for child protection and safeguarding; Looked-after Children and Care Leavers, child exploitation; family support and social care for children with specific needs (disabilities). Child and adolescent mental health services. Youth Justice service and Children & Family Centres.

Cllr Sue Markham


Education and learning services including children with special educational needs and disabilities and inclusion. Early Years Education. Schools, (organisation, sufficiency planning & governance). Post 16 Education, Apprenticeships & Training. Links with further and higher education. Adult and community education.

Cllr Kam Kaur



Overall responsibility for economic development; inward investment; interface with the business community and Local Enterprise Partnership; roll-out of broadband and 5G. Tackling deprivation, economic inequalities and post-Covid economic recovery.

Cllr Martin Watson

Customer & Transformation

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