Issue - meetings

Warwickshire Education Strategy 2024-2029

Meeting: 23/07/2024 - County Council (Item 3)

3 Warwickshire Education Strategy 2024-2029 pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


That Council approves the Warwickshire Education Strategy 2024 – 2029.


Councillor Kam Kaur (Portfolio Holder for Education) moved the recommendation as set out in the report.  In doing so, she noted that the Strategy had been developed following a wide ranging consultation and was based on four priorities as set out in the report. 


Councillor Sue Markham seconded the recommendation.




During the course of the debate, councillors made the following points:


  • There were clear ambitions set out in the strategy but there were tensions between ambition and reality related to academisation and the public sector’s impact on local authority resources.
  • The focus on early years with the priority of ‘Best Start’ – securing the very best start for all children in the county – was welcomed.  However, it was also pointed out that the first 1000 days was not covered by the Strategy.  It was noted that outcomes were better when interventions were made in this window of opportunity and it was hoped that the Strategy could be calibrated towards more holistic decisions.
  • There was also support for the Strategy’s focus on areas that the Council had genuine influence over.
  • Questions were raised around alternative provision, assessments times and the associated high costs related to independent alternative provision.
  • There was no specific mention of the impact of the pandemic and confirmation was sought that the legacy of Covid-19 had been considered during the development of the Strategy.
  • The Strategy was broad the delivery plan was keenly awaited, particularly around integrated delivery. 
  • The alignment with other Council strategies was welcomed, and it was suggested that also aligning the Strategy with the Local Transport Plan could offer significant environmental benefits by supporting pupils to walk to school. 
  • Questions were raised about the rise in elective home education and the potential link to SEND where parents perceived that the education system did not deliver for their children’s needs.   Whilst it was clear that there was a lot of support for elective home education, and the Council’s commitments in this regard were celebrated, it was considered an omission for this aspect of the Council’s work to be missing from the Strategy.


In response to questions raised, Councillor Kaur responded that:


  • Funding had been awarded by the Department for Education to create an early years pathway this would pave the way for some commendable and exciting collaborative work with schools and health providers. 
  • In terms of alternative provision, funding had been approved for a pilot pod in Coleshill, which would pave the way for further provision elsewhere in the county.
  • In terms of delivery, performance indicator measures were in development to feed into reporting on the Council Plan so that overview and scrutiny could have an informed view of performance against the Strategy. 
  • The Council continued to work with the borough and district councils to ensure there were links between Local Plans and the Local Transport Plan and this formed part of an holistic approach with those councils.
  • The impact of Covid-19 had been well publicised and this had also had an impact on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3

Meeting: 11/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 7)

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To receive a report detailing the Warwickshire Education Strategy 2024-2029 for endorsement, prior to its submission at Council for approval.


Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Kam Kaur

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder for Education, Councillor Kam Kaur, outlined the report which asked Members to endorse the Warwickshire Education Strategy 2024-29.  She advised that as the Delivery Plan was in a very draft form, she was not requesting endorsement of it as it required further work.


She therefore proposed that the recommendations be amended to remove number 2) which referenced the Delivery Plan.  Councillor Kaur gave an overview of the engagement undertaken with schools and the NHS, which had incorporated the diverse nature of the County and characteristics within schools.


Councillor Jan Matecki highlighted the input of the Educational Attainment Task and Finish Group and thanked members for the work they had put into the plan.


In response, Councillor Kaur echoed his points, advising that a report would be forthcoming with further recommendations from the Task and Finish Group.


Councillor Kaur proposed the revised recommendation.




That Cabinet endorses the Warwickshire Education Strategy 2024 – 2029 and recommends it for approval to full Council.