7 Warwickshire Education Strategy 2024-2029 PDF 123 KB
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The Committee received a report detailing the progress of the draft Warwickshire Education Strategy 2024-2029, attached at Appendix A to the report.
The draft strategy was endorsed by Cabinet on 11 April and would be submitted for further consideration at Council on 23 July 2024.
Rachel Jackson, Head of Education, Strategy and Transformation introduced the report and signposted Members to Appendix A which included a strategic pipeline outlining the range of support.
Rachel Jackson outlined the four priorities as detailed on page 91 of the document pack, expanding on each in turn. She explained the need to work across the broader system of health and social care, linking in with the Council’s corporate approach and highlighted the education disparities, particularly in terms of post 16 provision. The support detailed in the strategic pipeline and the delivery plan would bolster this approach. Members noted the aim to update the Committee on progress in six months’ time.
Councillor Justin Kerridge queried the statistics on the number of schools that were achieving good or outstanding status as he would like to see how Warwickshire compared to regional competitors, especially in relation to special education provision. Rachel confirmed that the framework was wide within education and comparisons would be carried out with neighbouring areas in due course.
Johnny Kyriakou, Director for Education, reminded the meeting that in relation to Ofsted judgements, the majority of establishments were academies and officers worked with the regional schools’ office and schools on a bespoke basis.
Councillor Tim Sinclair asked for clarity on where young people’s views and ideas were included in the strategy. Officers advised that the Delivery Plan assisted with this and could be seen in priority 2. Priorities 1 and 2 dealt with ‘Best Start’ and SEND considerations, helping to gain an earlier understanding of a child and their needs. Councillor Sinclair asked if it was possible to make those interventions earlier and whether it could have a beneficial outcome.
Rachel Jackson explained that the Early Years Integrated Plan was designed to identify those children that may need support at an earlier time. She advised that this was due to come online later in the year.
Councillor Piers Daniell noted that only 2% of County owned establishments were Early Years and asked if there were any plans to expand in this area. Officers confirmed that provision was delivered by a range of providers but there were no current plans to expand. The Council would continue to work with its own nurseries.
That the progress of the draft Warwickshire Education Strategy 2024 – 2029 is noted.