Issue - meetings

Procurement of EV Charging provision

Meeting: 17/06/2024 - Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions (Item 1)

1 Procurement of EV Charging provision pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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Resolved that the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property:


Authorises the Executive Director for Communities to commence procurement activity to appoint a provider to install, manage and maintain electric vehicle charging points, photovoltaic cells and battery storage at Harbury Village Hall;


Authorises the Executive Director for Communities to award and enter into all relevant contracts following the above procurement process on terms and conditions acceptable to the Executive Director for Resources; and


Approves the addition of £746,250 to the Capital Programme for the above scheme in Harbury to be funded from a grant awarded under the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Extended Pilot fund and associated private sector investment.