6 Commissioning arrangements for homes for children in care PDF 118 KB
To receive a report relating to the procurement and provision of foster and residential care services for children.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Sue Markham
Additional documents:
Members received a report relating to the procurement and provision of foster and residential care services for children.
Councillor Isobel Seccombe introduced the report explaining that currently Warwickshire were a key stakeholder in the West Midlands region across Foster Care Services, Residential Services and Supported Accommodation for children in care. This report proposed three procurement activities to support the delivery of homes for children in care.
Councillor Seccombe referred to the flagship bail and remand service, referred to as BRICS, which had been recognised by the National Youth Justice board as an example of good practice. These proposals would help to maintain the quality of that service. The report also recognised that the Council had invested in the development of its own children’s homes with more planned for the future. However, the costs involved remained challenging.
In conclusion, Councillor Seccombe proposed the recommendations that the Council sign up alongside the thirteen other local authorities, with Coventry City Council as the lead authority, as of September 2024.
That Cabinet
1) Authorises the Executive Director for Children & Young People, in consultation with Executive Director for Social Care and Health to enter into West Midlands regional agreements and subsequent call-off contracts for the procurement and provision of foster care and residential care services for children in care on terms and conditions acceptable to the Executive Director for Resources;
2) Authorises the Executive Director for Children and Young People to commence a procurement process for the provision of Short-Term Emergency Placements and Bail and Remand Intensive Care placements in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children & Families; and
3) Authorises the Executive Director for Children and Young People, in consultation with the Executive Director for Social Care and Health, to enter into relevant contracts for the provision of Short-Term Emergency Placements and Bail and Remand Intensive Care placements for children in care and/or children in criminal court proceedings on terms and conditions acceptable to the Executive Director for Resources.