4 Warwickshire Economic Growth Strategy Delivery Plan 2024-2026 PDF 94 KB
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Isobel Woods (Head of Economy and Skills) presented the report, which was approved by Cabinet in April 2024. The background of the paper was discussed, and the following points highlighted.
· The two-year plan would build a resilient and diversified economy.
· Would allow and have the ability to respond to challenges.
· Three broad themes within the plan, ambitions, inclusive and sustainable.
· With the focus on key areas - Innovation and research development. Skills development, infrastructure, and sustainable growth.
· Strong position for Warwickshire County Council’s economy, short and long term.
· Effectively implement the plan with continuous evaluation to ensure achievement and delivery of outcomes.
Isobel Woods drew attention to the appendixes attached to the report outlining the plan in detail as well as the Cabinet report and Economic Growth Strategy. It was noted that there had been strong collaboration with partners and stakeholders.
The next step in the delivery was to set up a key group to oversee the delivery of the plan. An annual report would be presented to the committee regarding the state of the economy, facilitating review and assessment of the progression of the plan.
Councillor Watson added that the strategy was a very important document which would hold the council accountable and outlined specific details on how it would be achievable.
In response to Councillor Chilvers, Isobel Woods advised that there were significant resources in economy and skills with much support from external funding and partnerships. Budgets outlining these figures and sources of funding could be presented to the committee. It was noted that this would be beneficial to highlight any gaps and allow better scrutiny.
Resolved that members support the two-year delivery plan to assist the delivery of Warwickshire Economic Growth Strategy that was approved by Cabinet in April 2024 and;
note the proposed approach to monitor and manage the oversight of performance of the delivery plan.