Issue - meetings

Occupational Health & Safety Annual Review

Meeting: 09/09/2024 - Staff and Pensions Committee (Item 3)

3 Occupational Health and Safety Annual Review 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

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Gary Summerfield, Technical Specialist - Workforce Health & Safety presented the report to the committee which provides an overview of the work carried in in relation to the 23/23 priorities.  There has been a good response to some challenging changes in coming back to the office post-pandemic.  It was noted that work needs to be done in learning to identifying risks rather than in responding to the risks themselves. 


The Chair raised concerns that violence and aggressiveness aimed at teachers seems to be an issue and is escalating.  It was confirmed that the health and safety team is working with education services on this issue. 


Incidents reported every quarter to education services, and it has been noted that there are trends in certain locations.  It was agreed that question will be asked of education services as to whether the incidents relate specifically to special education needs.


Councillor Birdi moved that the recommendation be accepted and was seconded by Councillor Kettle. This was supported unanimously by the Committee.




That the Staff and Pensions Committee:


1.         Endorses the Occupational Health and Safety Annual Review 2023/24


2.         Supports the Council’s proposed Health and Safety key focus areas for 2024/25