Issue - meetings

Refreshed Local Council Charter

Meeting: 05/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Refreshed Local Councils' Charter pdf icon PDF 75 KB

A report seeking approval of a refreshed Local Councils’ Charter and the appointment of a Parish Champion.


Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Heather Timms

Additional documents:


Councillor Heather Timms (Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture) introduced this report which presented a refreshed Local Council’s Charter.  The existing Charter had been approved in April 2015 and set out the expectations of how the County Council and the District and Borough Councils would work with the Town and Parish Councils.  This was a mutually beneficial working relationship that focussed on partnership working to benefit local people.  The changes included related to enhanced communication, strengthening partnerships, increased support for local councils and improved accountability.   Outcomes would be reviewed on a 12 month cycle.


Councillor Sarah Boad, a director of WALC, commented on the importance of local councils to democracy and expressed her opinion that Nuneaton and Bedworth would benefit from the introduction of town and parish councils.


Councillor Sarah Feeney welcomed the document and the formal appointment of Councillor Timms as Parish Champion to support engagement across the council tiers.




That Cabinet


1.     Approves the refreshed Local Councils’ Charter attached to the report at Appendix 1; and


2.     Approves the appointment of the Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate, and Culture as the Warwickshire County Council Parish Champion.