Issue - meetings

Future JSNA Work Programme

Meeting: 11/09/2024 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 6)

6 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Work Programme Update pdf icon PDF 98 KB

A report detailing the progress of the current JSNA work programme along with proposals for the future direction of travel.

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Kate Rushall (Public Health Manager) outlined the paper which covered both the current and future Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) work programme.  She advised of the two most recent assessments; Healthy Ageing; and Empowering Futures.  Both of these had been more interactive and were available on the Council’s website.


The current work programme was detailed with two assessments currently ongoing; Adults Living with a Learning Disability; and LTBTQ+.  Kate Rushall described the future work programme principles which would result in fewer JSNA’s, but that officers were aiming to look back at past assessments and themes to enhance insights.  It was hoped this would allow for more time for interpretations with a more interactive approach and online outputs.


From April 2025 future work would include the development of three life course dashboards; Children’s, Adult’s and Healthy Ageing.  Previous JSNA’s would be used to provide a real picture of experiences across the life course.  Officers recognised that they needed to engage the right partners and groups from the outset and a project plan would be developed shortly to provide more detail on delivery.


Michael Maddocks addressed the meeting and explained how the team would demonstrate the impact of JSNA’s, identifying three areas to measure impact.  With regard to the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA), Members noted that this was due to be published by October 2025, with the HWBB having a statutory responsibility to produce it.  Working jointly with Coventry, this would facilitate joint working with the ICB and would reflect the established governance of the Coventry and Warwickshire Community Pharmacy Steering Group.


The Chair welcomed the proposed direction of travel and was pleased there would be a focus on impact.  She recognised how much work went into creating the JSNA’s resulting in a huge array of data being produced.  She therefore outlined the recommendations as laid out.




1)     Notes the update and progress of the current JSNA work programme;


2)     Endorses the proposed direction of travel for the future JSNA work programme from 2025 onwards, acknowledging a more detailed project plan will need to be developed; and


Approves the proposal to develop the 2025 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA), a statutory responsibility of the Health and Wellbeing Board, jointly with Coventry, under the established governance of the Coventry and Warwickshire Community Pharmacy Steering Group.