3 Better Care Fund Plan 2023/25 progress update PDF 119 KB
An update report detailing the feedback from the Better Care Fund Regional Assurance Panel and performance against the national Better Care Fund metrics.
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The Chair advised that this agenda item would be considered under the update items of the agenda for the following reasons.
At the time of writing, the Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan for 2024/25 was still to be approved by the national team. This was because of a funding shortfall related to Pathway 1. Despite consideration by the Care Collaborative Committee, a resolution to this had not been made and therefore the BCF Plan remained yet to be approved.
The Chair felt it was important that the Board felt assured of the work being undertaken by the Care Collaborative, particularly when it pertained to an item such as the BCF, which the HWBB had a duty to approve. She therefore proposed that a Care Collaborative update be received on a regular basis and asked if members would support this addition to the forward plan.
Becky Hale, Executive Director for Social Care & Health, assured Members that officers were working closely with the ICB and the three acutes to help reduce demand and manage additional funding. Officers had hoped to bring forwards the updated plan today, however, this would be shared as soon as practicable.
Members noted that this was a very complicated process and were assured that key officers would attend future meetings to answer any queries.
That the Health and Wellbeing Board
1) Notes the feedback from the Better Care Fund Regional Assurance Panel as part of the national assurance process; and
Notes performance against the national Better Care Fund metrics.