Issue - meetings

Pension Administration Activity and Performance Update

Meeting: 09/09/2024 - Staff and Pensions Committee (Item 6)

6 Pension Administration Activity and Performance Update pdf icon PDF 182 KB

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Lisa Eglesfield, Pension Administration Service Manager introduced the report to the committee starting with an update on the self-service portal.  Information held in relation to the ages of pension fund members allows officers to target relevant communications.


It was noted that the current Member Self Service (MSS) will be switched off in January 2026.  The new system will offer a range of improvements.


Following a review of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) from April to June 2024, it was confirmed that this work was completed in line with the new guidance and that this new process has been embedded into the council’s processes.


Reviewing the team work load and the trends and numbers involved it was confirmed to the committee that from January 2024 to June 2024, 99.6% of all tasks were completed on time


Referring to the McCloud Project, Lisa Eglesfield stated that this is now drawing to a close and all work moving forward will be in line with the new regulations. 


It was noted that data outstanding from employers is the main reason for not being able to send out pension statements.  Currently 99.9 % of statements have been sent out on time.


Councillor Kettle thanked officers for the report, stating that with high performance as shown in the report, it is hard to be picky.  Councillor Kettle questioned if communication to new members of the fund is the area most likely to be dropped during busy periods or periods with fewer staff (such as the summer holiday period).  It was confirmed that officers are looking to automate some of the early stages; it could be said to be low value work but still important work.  It was also noted that some of the data is new, so there is no comparison data.


Councillor Jenns asked for a point of clarification in relation to complaints, and it was confirmed that no complaints had been received, not that the team hadn’t responded to any.


Councillor Kettle moved that the recommendation be accepted and was seconded by Councillor Jenns. This was supported unanimously by the Committee




That the Staff and Pensions Committee notes and comments on the content of the report