Issue - meetings

Leading Organisational Wellbeing Annual Review

Meeting: 09/09/2024 - Staff and Pensions Committee (Item 2)

2 Leading Organisational Wellbeing Annual Review 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 224 KB

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Kate Sullivan, Head of Strategic HR, introduced the report to the committee which outlines the achievements and priorities of the council in relation to organisational wellbeing.


The key headlines were confirmed as follows –


·         The absence rate at the council is above target and is continuing to increase.  There was some stabilisation in August, but this is reflective of the national picture.


·         The Thrive Wellbeing Check from August 2023, saw an increase in the council’s wellbeing score from 78% to 82%.


·         The Manager’s absence dashboards have been launched to Tier3 Managers in May 2024. The dashboard will provide managers with a variety of data to support the with managing attendance.


·         Work continues to collect evidence that will allow the council to apply for the Silver Thrive at Work accreditation in autumn 2024


·         Priorities for 2024/2025 include:


     Continue to progress and review the attendance at work action plan to stabilise absence levels


     Refresh the Attendance at Work policy to better support long term and short-term absence.


     Achieve Silver Thrive at Work accreditation.


Councillor Birdi thanked Kate and her team for the report adding that it was acknowledged that there would be challenges with attendance after the pandemic, but members were pleased to see all the work underway.


Following a question from Councillor Jenns in relation to the silver thrive at work accreditation, it was confirmed that the current bronze level lasts for three years.  The Chair asked for information on the benefit of aiming for the silver level and it was confirmed that it is a way of the council showing a commitment to the wellbeing work undertaken.  The sickness figures at the council are increasing and the accreditation would provide a framework that will allow officers to identify areas where more work is needed.


It was confirmed that there is no cost to the council in the Silver Thrive at Work accreditation.


Councillor Birdi moved that the recommendation be accepted and was seconded by Councillor Jenns. This was supported unanimously by the Committee.




That the Staff and Pension Committee:


1. Endorses the Leading Organisational and Wellbeing Review 2023/2024 as

set out at Appendix 1.


2. Considers the performance information in relation to the management of

employee sickness absence during 2023/2024 set out in Section 3 and

endorses maintaining an overall target of 8 days per FTE (with a +/- 1 day

tolerance) for 2024/25.


3. Considers the work in our approach to leading organisational wellbeing and

supports the priority actions for 2024/2025 as set out Section 2.11.


4. Endorses sharing a copy of the annual review with Resources and Fire and

Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee