6 Appointment of Independent Members to Audit and Standards Committee PDF 83 KB
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That Council
1. Approves the appointment of Martyn Burke and Sandip Shergill as Independent Members of the Audit and Standards Committee; and
2. Appoints Martyn Burke as the Chair of the Audit and Standards Committee.
Councillor Yousef Dahmash, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation, introduced and moved this report and recommendation. Councillor Jo Barker seconded the motion and reserved her right to speak.
Councillor Bill Gifford shared his experience of sitting on the selection panel and his impressions of the successful candidates which he considered to be excellent choices.
Councillor Sarah Feeney, who had also been a member of the selection panel, considered that the appointments offered an excellent balance of experience and enthusiasm and was happy to support the recommendations.
Councillor Barker strongly supported the selection panel’s recommendation to appoint two independent members which would provide an element of futureproofing.
Councillor Dahmash considered that the appointments would provide another level of robustness to the Audit & Standards Committee, and he had been reassured that the successful candidates were the right people for the role.
A vote was held. The motion was agreed unanimously.
That Council
1. Approves the appointment of Martyn Burke and Sandip Shergill as Independent Members of the Audit and Standards Committee; and
2. Appoints Martyn Burke as the Chair of the Audit and Standards Committee.