8 Warwickshire Safe Accommodation Strategy 2025-2028 PDF 94 KB
A paper presenting the Safe Accommodation Strategy 2025 – 2028 which outlines how Warwickshire will implement the statutory duties associated with the provision of safe accommodation, as required by the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
Cabinet Portfolio Holders – Councillors Andy Crump and Margaret Bell
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Councillor Andy Crump, Portfolio Holder for Fire & Rescue and Community Safety, explained that this report presented a refresh of the existing 2021-2024 strategy which had been informed by contributions from local victims and survivors who had responded to a ‘call for evidence’ and endorsed by the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board and Violence Against Women and Girls Board. He noted the 2025-2028 Strategy continued with the five key objectives as outlined in the 2021-2024 Strategy which were detailed in the report. He welcomed the report and continuing work with Refuge.
Councillor Margaret Bell, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care & Health similarly welcomed the report and the consultation with victims and survivors that had taken place. She considered that the strategy reflected the different needs that had been highlighted by respondents to the ‘call for evidence’. She looked forward to the multiagency delivery and seeing how that would work in practice.
Councillor Isobel Seccombe welcomed the report, noting the importance of keeping safe accommodation locations confidential. Councillor Crump agreed that it was important to find the correct location for properties and noted the significant impact on children.
That Cabinet
1. Approves the Warwickshire Safe Accommodation Strategy 2025-2028, and
2. Authorises the Executive Director for Social Care and Health to finalise the delivery plan 2025-2028 in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Adult Social Care and Health and Fire & Rescue and Community Safety and partners.