Issue - meetings

Youth Justice Plan

Meeting: 24/09/2024 - County Council (Item 5)

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That Council approves the Warwickshire Youth Justice Service Strategic Plan 2024/25.


Councillor Andy Crump (Portfolio Holder for Fire and Rescue and Community Safety) moved the recommendation as set out in the report. 


Councillor Jeff Morgan seconded the recommendation and reserved the right to speak.




During the course of the debate, councillors made the following points:


·       Officers involved in providing services were congratulated on their positive contribution

·       Reoffending rates quoted in the report were 2.5 years old and whilst it was understood that central government were slow to release comparative national data, more recent data for Warwickshire would be welcomed to understand direction of travel in a more timely way.

·       It was noted that the service was jointly funded and the security of long-term funding was questioned.

·       The focus on prevention at the heart of the report was welcomed, however, it was also pointed out that with the prison service over-capacity there was room for improvement and tackling wider issues, for instance in education and supporting early years provision, would be helpful.   

·       References in the report to SEND and emotional wellbeing were welcomed and it was questioned whether education psychology would make an impact.  In response, it was highlighted that the meeting of Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered this issue in the previous week and a positive discussion on this point had taken place. 

·       Statistics relating to violence against the person had increased and an understanding of what could be done to diffuse this was sought.


Responding to the debate, Councillor Morgan noted that the Youth Justice Plan was a statutory requirement.  He welcomed the local “child first” focus and, reflecting on his tenure as Portfolio Holder, congratulated the officers for their delivery of a high performing service in often challenging circumstances.  Particularly noting a reduction in first time entrants and reoffending, he highlighted that Warwickshire was performing above average on most of the metrics set out in the report.  He informed Council that whilst violence against the person was increasing, the numbers were actually very small and isolated cases presented a distorted picture. 


Councillor Crump also highlighted the high performance and congratulated officers on their work.  In response to questions raised, he suggested that Overview and Scrutiny could lobby for the more timely production of comparative data and stated that he was not aware of any plans to change funding received from partners.




A vote was held. The motion was carried unanimously.




That Council approves the Warwickshire Youth Justice Service Strategic Plan 2024/25.


Meeting: 17/09/2024 - Children & Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

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George Shipman, Head of Children's Pathfinder Programme presented the report to the committee and confirmed the following highlights from the plan -


The youth justice plan is a requirement from the crime and disorder act 1998.  It is an annual plan that goes through the council process to be signed off by full council.  The committee was informed that this will be the last annual plan as it is moving to three-year plan with annual updates.  There were several changes to this year’s plan, including multi agency safeguarding arrangements, so it wasn’t the best time to move to three yearly.


The plan has a set proforma to complete.  The committee was asked to note expectations from the youth justice board including, child first principles, evidence-based practices and putting children at the heart of the service.  Work will include promoting positive elements and thinking about positive behaviour.


Last year’s plan set out four priorities – core good practice, day to day work of the service, reviewing policies and procedure and multi-agency/disciplinary process: being open and honest with all partners.


The plan builds on the progress made in 2023/24 including the embedding of the ARC (Attachment, Regulation, Competency) Trauma Informed Model.  This work will include thinking about interventions delivered to children and young people and what other tools are available.  This has been funded for a two-year period.


There will also be a focus on the prevention of serious violence with a focus on prevention with the development of pathways team getting involved at the earliest opportunities.  There will also be a targeted offer to schools to reduce the likelihood of young people getting involved in serious violence.


In relation to harmful sexual behaviours, it was confirmed that a new partnerships document has been produced and training is being rolled out to schools around the county on identifying behaviours and how to access support.


It was confirmed that reoffending rates are steadily declining.  There is a strong relationship between the service and the court.


Moving forward, key challenges were noted; strengthening governance and partnership working and making sure the service is inspection ready.  The committee noted that the service is currently in a really strong place.


There is some fixed term funding in place, primarily for the prevention work.  This will come to an end and sources for further funding are currently unclear; a number of changes may need to be made – sustainability is key


It was confirmed that a holistic approach to health, speech and language therapy has made a difference to the service along with substance misuse support.

In relation to victim support and restorative justice, the service is working towards a quality assurance mark for victim support.  Only a small number of youth justice services have achieved this, so it is a key aim for the team. 


Councillor Penny-Anne O’Donnell thanked officers for a very positive report and added a well done to the team for the recognition they have received. 

Following a question from Councillor O’Donnell  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7