1 Stratford District CPE Variation 9 - S2-S4 Residents' Parking Zones PDF 993 KB
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A report was submitted to the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning setting out proposals relating to changes to Residents Parking Zones S3 and S4.
A statement was submitted from residents of S2 to be read out by the portfolio holder which outlined their concerns and demonstrated the strength of local feelings towards the issue. The statement thanked officers for finding a workable solution, which was hoped could be in place by January 2025. The additional spaces in the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) were also welcomed. It was hoped that with the new electronic permit system in place it should be straight forward to contact all residents with permits about the changes imminently. The Portfolio Holder and officers noted the contents of the statement.
When asked about the time frame of the TRO, Phil Mitton, Senior Engineer of minor works advised that estimated completion of part one of the recommendation would be in early 2025. Part two of the recommendation would be advertised concurrently with the implementation of part one. Effects of part one would require monitoring for at least 8 weeks, followed by an additional TRO report into part 2, which would adhere to the same process.
Councillor Matecki, Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning noted that all areas of Stratford need to work together to ensure that parking works for all residents. He added that this report provided a good and balanced solution.
Resolved that the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning:
1) approves the below named proposed Traffic Regulation Order to be implemented as advertised IN PART, subject to compliance with Regulation 14 of the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996:
The Warwickshire County Council (District of Stratford On Avon) (Civil Enforcement Area) (Waiting Restrictions, On Street Parking Places & Residents’ Parking) (Consolidation) (Variation No.9) Order 2024
Proposals relating to:
(i) 4 x parking bays (consisting of up to 11 parking spaces) in Mulberry Street and Shakespeare Street to change from:
8am – 6pm No Waiting / 6pm – 8am S2 Permit Holders; to
8am – 6pm Pay & Display or S2 Permit Holders / 6pm – 8am S2 Permit Holders Only.
(ii) All S4 zone bays hours of operation to change from:
8am – 10pm Pay & Display or S4 Permit Holders; to
8am – 6pm Pay & Display or S4 Permit Holders / 6pm – 8am S4 Permit Holders Only.
(iii) S3 Permit eligibility to be extended to residents of St. Gregory’s Road.
(iv) Changes to S2 Permit Eligibility for Samaritans.
2) Agrees that all other proposals within the scheme be deferred, with a view to monitoring the effects of the above measures, and developing proposals for a further, separate Traffic Regulation Order including the following:
(i) The town centre zone currently eligible to apply for S2 or S3 permits (hereafter referred to as the “Town Centre S2-S3 Permit Zone” for clarity) to be amended to be eligible to apply for S2, S3 or S4 Permits.
(ii) Parking bays in Maidenhead Road, Rowley Crescent and ... view the full minutes text for item 1