Issue - meetings

Annual Governance Statement 2023/24

Meeting: 28/11/2024 - Audit and Standards Committee (Item 8)

8 Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

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Chris Norton (Head of Investments, Treasury and Audit) introduced the report. He advised that the draft Annual Governance Statement had been published for a period of public consultation. It had also been considered by the External Auditor. No comments from members of the public had been received and the External Auditor had not proposed any amendments. Since being presented to the Committee in May 2024, the Annual Governance Statement had been updated with details of the final audit opinion which provided moderate assurance on the Authority’s control environment, as well as commentary on timescales for the introduction of new procurement regulations.


Chris Norton advised that a Governance Improvement Action Plan was appended to the Annual Governance Statement. He provided an update on actions which had been given recent attention including the review of education capital programme procurement as well as ongoing work to determine ethical standards for the adoption of artificial intelligence in the delivery of Council services.


In response to Chair, members of the Committee agreed that the recommendation of the report be accepted.




That the Audit and Standards Committee endorses the Annual Governance Statement for 2023/24 and recommends its approval by full Council at the meeting in December 2024 and its subsequent inclusion in the Council’s 2023/24 Annual Report and Accounts.