Additional documents:
Tina Riley, Senior People Practitioner presented the report to the committee reminding members that it is an annual report and that it shows annual activity as well as the overall scrutiny of teacher’s pay. It was confirmed that there are three recommendations for the committee today as laid out at the start of the report.
In relation to the first point regarding the September pay award and changes; the committee noted that there will be a 5.5% rise to all pay points and allowances. All changes outlined in the report, including the removal of the performance related pay requirement started on the 1 September 2024.
Regarding the financial impact of the pay award, it was confirmed that
it is a fully funded pay award for this year. The government has confirmed that this will be for 2024/2025 but there are some details still outstanding following the change of government for the funding post-April 2025.
The Change to Pay progression process has been revised. Officers have been in consultation with the trade unions in relation to this; they have asked us to make the position clearer in relation to poor performance. Schools would still be able to make a final decision, but the council will need to produce clear guidance on this point.
Councillor Brian Hammersley thanked officers for the report but raised concerns about the shortages of teachers; noting that it was interested to read that teachers were being asked why they are leaving the profession. Councillor Hammersley added that the report made it clear that something needs to be fixed.
The Chair agreed that the report is a good report especially some of the detail about the problems with staffing in certain subjects. The Chair confirmed that Councillor Hammersley asked that more consideration is given to the conditions, and not just the pay moving forward.
Councillor Kettle moved that the recommendation be accepted and was seconded by Councillor Millar. This was supported unanimously by the Committee.
The Committee:
1. Approves the application of the national pay award to Warwickshire County Council staff employed on School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) in line with the approach set out in section 3 of this report.
2. Notes and endorses the changes to the STPCD for 2024 as set out in Appendix 2.
3. Approves the changes to the Warwickshire County Council Schools Model Pay Policy as described in Section 4 of this report