5 Leamington Town Centre Vision PDF 108 KB
A paper presenting the new vision for Leamington Town Centre for endorsement.
Cabinet Portfolio Holders – Councillors Martin Watson and Jan Matecki
Additional documents:
The Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning, Councillor Jan Matecki, introduced the report which outlined the draft Leamington Town Centre Vision 2024.
The Vision had been refreshed by The Leamington Transformation Board, who were made up of the three tiers of Council: Warwickshire County Council, Warwick District Council and Royal Leamington Spa Town Council.
Councillor Matecki referred to this report being deferred from the previous Cabinet meeting in November 2024 as he had been unable to attend. He explained that the refreshed vision focused on the strategic ambition of future regeneration plans for the town centre. Public engagement had taken place and a summary of comments was attached to the report along with the full survey analysis. Three new themes or pillars had been consulted on, Healthy People, Healthy Place and Healthy Planet, and the top three issues of importance to respondents were outlined at 4.5 of the report.
It was hoped that the strategy would guide new development and regeneration activity and support the area to become an exemplar of a thriving town centre.
Councillor Sarah Boad was pleased to see the report presented, recognising that the Town Council and Warwick District Council had already endorsed the vision. She advised that she was a County Council representative on the group and referred to a future meeting which would discuss the parade master plan. Councillor Boad hoped this work would help to revitalise the Parade with the three authorities working together.
Councillor Matecki referred to comments made about his non-attendance at some meetings. He provided reassurance that he attended the delivery group for the board as often as he could, reiterating that the Council had some excellent officers also involved in this work. He gave particular recognition to Catherine Marks and Sarah James for their work and who ensured he remained fully briefed on progress at all times. He therefore proposed the recommendations as laid out on page 103.
That Cabinet endorse the draft Leamington Town Centre Vision 2024.
6 Leamington Town Centre Vision PDF 111 KB
A paper presenting the new vision for Leamington Town Centre for endorsement.
Cabinet Portfolio Holders – Councillors Martin Watson and Jan Matecki
Additional documents:
In the absence of the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning, Councillor Isobel Seccombe advised that this item would be deferred to a future date.
Councillor Boad commented that she hoped the delay would not be significant and Councillor Seccombe responded that the delay gave an opportunity to reset and understand the funding position in more detail.
That the decision be deferred for consideration at a future meeting.