Issue - meetings

Review the minutes of the Local Fire Pension Board 23/09/24

Meeting: 09/12/2024 - Staff and Pensions Committee (Item 5)

5 Review the minutes of the Local Fire Pension Board 23/09/24 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

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Lisa Eglesfield, Pension Administration Service Manager presented the report to the committee and asked them to note section 2 of the report in relation to the Age Discrimination Remedy (McCloud).  It was confirmed that the data collection had been finalised and the first compensation payment has been made.  Warwickshire’s pay roll team has completed all the data collection needed to meet the deadline in relation to the age discrimination.


In relation to the Matthews Project, it was confirmed that the Warwickshire fund is progressing will with calculations and that 144 firefighters have been identified.  Full details can be found in section 3 of the report.


The committee noted that the risk register for the Firefighters Pension Scheme has been updated in line with the updated risk scoring method now used by Warwickshire County Council.


Councillor Chris Kettle moved that the recommendation be accepted and was seconded by Councillor Brian Hammersley.  This was supported unanimously by the Committee.




That the Staff and Pensions Committee receive, consider and comment on the minutes of the meeting of the Warwickshire Fire Local Pension Board on 23 September 2024.