Issue - meetings

School Outcomes Report – Early Headlines including Virtual Schools

Meeting: 26/11/2024 - Children & Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 School Outcomes Report – Early Headlines including Virtual Schools pdf icon PDF 357 KB

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Leah Adams, Head of Early Years & School Effectiveness presented the report to the committee and confirmed that today’s report is a preliminary report; and extensive report is due to be presented to the committee at the meeting in April 2025.


The committee noted that work is continuing in relation to the levels of engagement across the county.  The team currently works effectively with thirty-three academies across Warwickshire.  It was noted that seven academies have 100% of their schools in Warwickshire; and all but one are secondary schools.


It was confirmed that from the 1st September 2024, the overall effectiveness grade was removed and that meant that some schools in the county went without an OFSTED inspection.  This has led to the team reporting on a new measure; that is looking at the proportions of schools who have not received a sub-judgement and then tracking the schools who are under performing in relation to school outcomes.  This is a very comprehensive way of reporting to the committee how all the schools are doing. 


In relation to section three of the report, it was noted that work on the school effectiveness strategy has been paused because of changes that are due in respect of OFSTED and potential changes within the Department for Education.  The committee was pleased to note that although work on the strategy has been paused, the team is still working closely with stakeholders and academies to build and maintain close relationships.


In relation to the School Approach Team, Leah Adams confirmed that work is underway to move away from responding to a crisis; to trying to get to know the schools earlier, before any concerns are raised and therefore preventing crisis.  The team is working to join up with other agencies to get a better understanding of how the school works before they need extra support with attainment.  One thing that, as a local authority, council officers can do, is provide data and information that schools can use to improve performance.


In relation to section four of the report, it was confirmed that most of the Early Years settings in Warwickshire have been rated Good or Outstanding by OFSTED.  There is a wide range of diversity across the settings, and some significant challenges for our quality standards and safeguarding team to ensure that all children are being reached so this is positive news to report.  In addition, it was noted that there are early indications for improvement because of the positive work being done in connection with early intervention for speech and language that will help to close attainment gaps.


In relation to exclusions, alternative provision and severe absenteeism, it was noted that the team has moved into a model of working that is at a more local district and borough level.  This provides clearer data intelligence for the team to be able to work with; and allows smoother interactions with difficult or challenging conversations.  The team has two meetings to enable this; one is purely about the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7