Issue - meetings

Houlton Way/Hillmorton Lane Junction, Rugby Revocation of Prohibition of Turning Movements

Meeting: 31/01/2025 - Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions (Item 1)

1 Portfolio Holder Decision Houlton Way/Hillmorton Lane Junction, Rugby Revocation of Prohibition of Turning Movements pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved that the Deputy Leader for Finance and Property approves the addition of the following highway improvement scheme to the Capital Programme for 2024/25:


D1352 Houlton Way/Hillmorton Lane Junction – works to facilitate proposed Order titled WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL (LINK ROAD NORTH, RUGBY) (PROHIBITION OF RIGHT AND LEFT TURNS) (VARIATION NO.2) ORDER 2024 with an estimated value of £85,000.00 funded from S106 contributions secured for the Rugby Gyratory scheme.