Issue - meetings

Warwickshire County Council Statement of Accounts 2023/24

Meeting: 28/11/2024 - Audit and Standards Committee (Item 3)

3 Warwickshire County Council Statement of Accounts 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 89 KB

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Andrew Harper (Head of Strategic Finance) introduced the report. He advised that the Council’s accounts had been published by the statutory deadline of 31 May 2024. Since then, progress had been made in partnership with the External Auditor leading to presentation to the Committee of the Council’s Statement of Accounts for 2023/24. The Committee was asked to consider the Statement of Accounts for 2023/24 and to recommend them to the Council for approval on 17 December 2024. Members were also asked to note that, subject to finalisation of the Statement of Accounts by the External Auditor, the Executive Director for Resources would make any subsequent amendments to the information presented to full Council (if required) prior to approval being sought. However, it was not expected that any material changes would be made.


Andrew Harper advised that the External Auditor’s report also included details of the Audit Opinion which would be signed by Grant Thornton’s Engagement Partner on receipt of the Letter of Representation (once signed by the Chair of the Council and Executive Director for Resources), following approval of the accounts by Council on 17 December 2024.


The Chair praised the good progress that had been made by officers and Grant Thornton to meet statutory deadlines. He highlighted areas where Warwickshire County Council had received national recognition for its achievements including the award of LEXCEL 6.1, an internationally recognised legal practice quality mark, to the Council’s Legal Services Team for the 24th consecutive year.


Councillor Feeney highlighted commentary in the report relating to the review of Schools Admissions processes which had led to a considerable improvement in handling of in-year school applications. This was a priority area for many residents and an issue that was frequently raised with councillors. Improvements to Schools Admissions processes had made a positive difference for residents and enhanced the Council’s reputation. She praised the hard work and effort by officers to achieve this improvement.


Councillor Shenton stated that the Narrative Statement included within the Statement of Accounts was well laid out, easy to read, and presented an accessible overview of the Council’s work. Infographics had been used to good effect.


The Chair highlighted the good progress that had been made to support children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This was an area subject to considerable cost pressures, and it was encouraging that the Council had prioritised provision for SEND.


Councillor Gifford agreed that resourcing for SEND was a positive step. The allocation of funding to the development of new primary SEND resourced provisions would support a better standard of education for children with SEND and avoid additional costs associated with outsourcing to private providers.


Councillor Shenton highlighted the Balance Sheet which reported on the Council’s financial position as at the end of the reporting period. He stated that, despite the financial challenges faced by the Authority in 2023/24, the Balance Sheet remained in a relatively strong position. He praised officers’ skill and dedication to reach this outcome.


Rob Powell (Executive Director for Resources)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3