6 Educational Attainment and School Performance PDF 792 KB
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Ian Budd, Assistant Director - Education Services confirmed to the Committee that due to Covid-19, Summer 2020 assessments and exams have been cancelled for all pupils. Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 exams will be graded through teacher assessments.
The report presented to the Committee included the full data set for 2019 learner outcomes including examination outcomes. Results from Summer 2020 will be shared at the end of the year, but traditional learner outcomes will not be available as normal. Discussions are under way with senior leaders about how best to identify those with additional needs to the year ahead.
Following a question from Councillor Margaret Bell in relation to the attainment gap between learner years across the county it was confirmed that variations between year cohorts is not unusual. Officers and school leaders review trends over longer periods than just a year. The Nuneaton Education Strategy is targeting this area of concern.
Following a discussion about the Multi Academy Trust (MAT) in Nuneaton, the Committee agreed that there were areas for concern. Members requested information in relation to the destination, post-education, of MAT students.
It was agreed that a briefing note in relation to the Multi Academy Trust in Nuneaton will be shared before the exam results are shared in the Autumn.
That the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee note the performance of children and young people in Warwickshire schools in statutory national tests. Members are asked to note the disparity in performance across the districts and boroughs and provide support to the Nuneaton Education strategy.