4 Review of Care Leaver Offer PDF 133 KB
This report sets out changes to the Care Leaver Offer following a review by the County Council.
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Jeff Morgan
Additional documents:
That Cabinet approves the revised care leaver offer to include:
1. a change in age for payment of council tax for all care leavers from the ages of 18-21 years to the ages 18-25 years old.
2. an increase to the age that a care leaver can claim a university bursary of £1000 up to the age of 25.
3. a winter fuel payment of £100 payable in November each year.
4. a counselling service to young people who wish to access their files should they wish to access this service (for any care leaver aged 18-25).
5. the purchase of a baby box for any eligible care leaver open to the Leaving Care Service who is a new parent including essential items such as nappies etc up to the cost of £50 for any care leaver aged 16-25.
6. the funding of a £200 flat rate payment to purchase essential items such as a cot, buggy, car seat for any eligible care leaver open to the service, aged 16-25, who is becoming a new parent.
Councillor Jeff Morgan (Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services) summarised the key elements of the published report. He added that he was proud of the care leaver offer in Warwickshire and that it is looked upon as an exemplar in other parts of the country.
Councillor Keith Kondakor, noting the provision of driving lessons for care leavers, pointed out there exist other forms of transport and that the resources used to provide those lessons could be used for the development of other skills. He welcomed the provision of funds for gym membership but suggested that the heading should change to “physical activity”. Finally, it was suggested that the use of gym memberships by care leavers should be monitored.
Councillor Richard Chattaway observed that the present Covid-19 crisis makes now a bad time to be leaving care.
In response to previous statements Councillor Jeff Morgan noted that whilst there may be other skills that young care leavers could be taught the reality is that they want to learn to drive cars. He agreed that gym membership should be monitored and committed to provide a note to Councillor Chattaway regarding support for care leavers during the current pandemic.
That Cabinet approves the revised care leaver offer to include:
1. a change in age for payment of council tax for all care leavers from the ages of 18-21 years to the ages 18-25 years old.
2. an increase to the age that a care leaver can claim a university bursary of £1000 up to the age of 25.
3. a winter fuel payment of £100 payable in November each year.
4. a counselling service to young people who wish to access their files should they wish to access this service (for any care leaver aged 18-25).
5. the purchase of a baby box for any eligible care leaver open to the Leaving Care Service who is a new parent including essential items such as nappies etc up to the cost of £50 for any care leaver aged 16-25.
6. the funding of a £200 flat rate payment to purchase essential items such as a cot, buggy, car seat for any eligible care leaver open to the service, aged 16-25, who is becoming a new parent.