4 Planning Application : NWB/19CM020 - Kingsbury Quarry PDF 466 KB
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Matthew Williams, Senior Planning Officer presented the report to the Committee confirming that the quarry is in the north of the county and is a long-established operation.
The proposed extension area was highlighted to the Committee via a presentation and it was confirmed that the application is to extend the end date for extraction and restoration to 2055.
The Committee noted that there is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) on the site which is a geographical exposure feature. The proposal would require the removal of this existing geological exposure. The application proposes the creation of a replacement geological exposure elsewhere within the site.
It was confirmed that there would be no increase in vehicle movements should the application be approved.
The Committee noted that the application would be an acceptable form of development within the Green Belt due to the openness and temporary use of the land.
It was confirmed that there are conditions in place to protect existing ecology on site.
Councillor Dave Reilly raised concerns about viewing the details of the application via a virtual meeting. The Committee felt that they had received a thorough presentation and report from the officer. The report addressed the objections raised by the community and the site has been open for many years.
The Committee did agree that while meetings were being held virtually as a result of restrictions imposed due to the pandemic, alternative ways of sharing officer presentations would be investigated by officers.
The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Clive Rickhards and was seconded by Councillor John Cooke. A vote was held, and the Committee voted 9 in favour of the recommendation, with one abstention, to grant planning permission.