4 Conflicts of Interest Policy PDF 187 KB
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Chris Norton (Strategy and Commissioning Manager (Treasury, Pension, Audit & Risk)presented the report. Governance of the Pension Fund had been investigated for the past year to make sure they are up to date. They are currently ensuring that all the policies that are required for the pension management fund are going through a ‘revolving door of review’. The report so far has just been reviewed by the Local Pension Board who made no comments. Chris Norton concluded that Staff and Pensions approve and enforce the policy. It was added that there is the issue of ensuring conflicts of interest are covered for the pension scheme, which would encompass the other pension committees.
Councillor Stevens stated that conflicts of interests are an advisory guide for members and their actions in meetings. Councillor Gifford added that they are more relevant for advisors then for members, but it is important that conflicts of interest are transparent.
That the Staff and Pensions Committee review
and approve the attached Conflicts of Interest Policy.