8 Capital Investment Fund 2019/20 Warwick Town Centre Transport Package PDF 206 KB
Cabinet Portfolio Holders; Councillors Peter Butlin and Jeff Clarke
A report that asks Council approval for an allocation of £4.046 million funding from the Capital Investment Fund (CIF) to deliver a transport package for Warwick town centre and the addition of the project to the Capital Programme at a full cost of £4.418 million.
Additional documents:
1. That the Council approves an allocation of £4.046 million funding from the Capital Investment Fund (CIF) to deliver a transport package for Warwick town centre (as set out in paragraph 2.1 and 3.1) and the addition of the project to the Capital Programme at a full cost of £4.418 million with the balance of funding coming from the Community Infrastructure Levy.
2. That the Council authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to procure and enter any agreements to give effect to the proposals on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources.
Councillor Peter Butlin introduced the published report and thanked Sally Duns for her earlier comments. He thanked the local members for Warwick along with officers for the efforts they had put into the scheme.
Councillor Parminder Singh Birdi seconded the proposal adding that he agreed with all of its objectives.
Councillor John Holland welcomed the scheme and Councillor Keith Kondakor, as well as requesting that the model being used be copied elsewhere, requested that funds be set aside to assist with snagging and other contingencies.
Councillor Peter Butlin closed by saying that funds to cover contingencies had been identified.
A vote was held and the recommendations agreed unanimously.
1. That the Council approves an allocation of £4.046 million funding from the Capital Investment Fund (CIF) to deliver a transport package for Warwick town centre (as set out in paragraph 2.1 and 3.1) and the addition of the project to the Capital Programme at a full cost of £4.418 million with the balance of funding coming from the Community Infrastructure Levy.
2. That the Council authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to procure and enter any agreements to give effect to the proposals on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources.