2 Complaints Policy PDF 131 KB
This report seeks Cabinet approval of the complaints policy for the County Council.
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Kam Kaur
Additional documents:
That Cabinet approves the Complaints Policy attached as an Appendix to the report.
Councillor Kam Kaur (Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation) introduced this report explaining that complaints handling is now supported by a case management system. This, she felt would improve support for customers and reduce the number of complaints being made. In addition, it would support the delivery of the Council Plan and the People, Commercial and Digital Strategies.
Councillor jerry Roodhouse (Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group) reminded the meeting that there are occasions when elected members have cause to submit complaints. He asked that the document be amended to reflect this. In addition, Councillor Roodhouse asked that the timescales for the process of complaints be made clearer and accompanied by a commentary. Finally, recognising that other strategies, including the Council Plan will in the light of Covid-19 need to be reviewed it was suggested that this document will need to take account of that.
Councillor Richard Chattaway (Leader of the Labour Group) requested that an annual report on complaints be produced. Councillor Chattaway also asked that a clearer indication of the time it takes to process a complaint would be welcomed.
That Cabinet approves the Complaints Policy attached as an Appendix to the report.