A regular report to Cabinet indicating the Council’s performance against target set out in the Council’s Plan.
Additional documents:
That Cabinet notes the progress of the delivery of the One Organisational Plan 2020 for the period as contained in the report.
Councillor Kam Kaur (Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation) introduced the item stating that this was the first such report based on the new performance framework. Cabinet was informed that 30% of Key Business Measures had achieved target while 41% were behind target.
The impact of Covid-19 will be reflected in future reports. It will be important to ensure that the County Council is using the correct key measures to assist recovery.
Regarding sickness levels the meeting was informed of a project that aims to build a more resilient workforce.
Councillor Maggie O’Rourke (Acting Deputy Leader of the Labour Group) commended officers for their hard work during the pandemic. She welcomed that the indicators will be reviewed to ensure they are the right ones to inform recovery. She requested that when the new indicators are developed, all political groups be allowed to be involved.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse suggested that in any normal year the results would not be considered good. However, 2020 is not a normal year. Recovery will require the re-setting of some services (eg children’s), with mental health and poverty being prominent. Councillor Roodhouse asked that consideration be given to the establishment of a cross-party working group to develop the new indicators. This should be in place for September.
Councillor Keith Kondakor observed that post Covid-19 there will be a need to “build back better”. There needs to be a focus, he added, on biodiversity. The current two-tier system of local government mean that this is at risk of falling between the County Council and District and Borough Councils. Biodiversity requires a cross party working group of its own. Finally, Councillor Kondakor suggested a review of the capital programme to take account of changes that have resulted from Covid-19.
That Cabinet notes the progress of the delivery of the One Organisational Plan 2020 for the period as contained in the report.