6 School Safety Zones and Routes Concluding Report PDF 128 KB
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Councillor Fradgely introduced the item and thanked all the officers involved on the TFG. In the last School Safety Zones meeting, members agreed there was more work to do in regard to educating children and parents on walking to school rather than being driven. Councillor Fradgley concluded that due to the Council’s climate change agenda and the Covid-19 crisis, the new TFG as recommended in the report, would be beneficial now.
Councillors Kondakor and Holland stated that a slower speed limit needs to be implemented around all schools. Councillor Philips informed the committee that if enough 20mph signs are erected in an area then PCSO’s (Police Community Support Officers) will enforce them.
Councillor Kondakor added that economic and housing growth in Warwickshire have made roads a barrier for cyclists and pedestrians.
Councillor Andy Crump (Portfolio Holder for Fire and Community Safety) stated that the Road Safety team were reminding parents to slow down around schools and there have been a list of programmes carried out, but peer pressure is also needed. He concluded that there is a need to carry out programmes that encourage walking.
That the Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee:
1) Notes the developments carried out by officers as part of the School Safety Zones Task Force since April 2015
2) Agrees that a Task and Finish Group be established to explore education-based ways of encouraging more children to walk / scooter / cycle in safety to their schools and report on costed options to inform the refreshed MTFS (Medium Term Finance Strategy).