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A report asking that Cabinet approve the development of a SEND & Inclusion Change Programme,
Cabinet Portfolio Holder: Councillor Colin Hayfield
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Councillor Colin Hayfield (Portfolio Holder for Education and Learning) introduced the report and invited questions. Councillor Helen Adkins (Deputy Leader of the Labour Group) welcomed the report but emphasised the importance of parental choice. She stated that some parents will prefer to see their children in mainstream schools and questioned whether there will be the capacity in special schools to manage increases in demand.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse expressed his concern over the increasing backlog of Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) work. He also sought assurance that stakeholders including parents and carers will be engaged with as part of the development process.
Councillor Jonathan Chilvers (Leader of the Green Group) welcomed that the matter is to be considered by the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee. One area of concern was the increasing demand for SEND services. Councillor Chilvers observed that SEND funding in Warwickshire is lower than in other parts of the country.
Councillor Peter Butlin observed that SEND is a national issue that has seen the age range of young people supported increase along with parental expectations of the service. He concluded by stressing the need to lobby government for additional funding.
Councillor Hayfield responded to the points made by members. He agreed that many parents wish to see children educated in mainstream schools. Efforts to manage work around EHCPs will continue although the need to review a child’s EHCP on a regular basis adds to the workload. It was, he agreed, good that the OSC will be reviewing the programme. In concluding, Councillor Hayfield stressed the importance of early intervention but noted that funding for this service area has been cut.
That Cabinet
1) Approves the development of a SEND & Inclusion Change programme, adopting as a framework the four elements set out in paragraph 2.1
2) Supports the further detailed scoping of the SEND Change Programme, with proposals for prioritisation of projects across the four work streams including the DSG recovery plan to be brought back to Cabinet in July