3 Local Transport Plan Refresh PDF 126 KB
A report that seeks Cabinet approval for the process to be followed during the refresh of the Warwickshire Local Transport Plan.
Additional documents:
Councillor Jeff Clarke summarised the published report emphasising the importance of consultation in the development of the new Local Transport Plan.
Councillor Jonathan Chilvers (Leader of the Green Group) welcomed the published timescale for the review adding that he hoped it would be adhered to.
Councillor Keith Kondakor expressed the view that a document such as the LTP needs to be used and not left on a shelf. It should cover the planning of railways and cycling and would benefit if supplemented by more local transport plans.
Councillor Heather Timms (Portfolio Holder for Environment and Heritage & Culture) stated that as the Climate Change Champion for Warwickshire she would welcome a refreshed LTP. It would be good if the County Council and District and Borough Councils could collaborate on it.
Councillor Helen Adkins considered that the timescale for the review is too long. A Climate Change emergency has been declared but too little is being done to address it. Measurable outcomes for the strategy will be required. Overall, however, the strategy is to be welcomed.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse emphasised the need for the new plan to be aligned with other strategies that exist or are being developed. The Combined Authority and the LEP are already well advanced with their strategies so progress with the LTP will need to be rapid.
Councillor Kam Kaur (Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation) challenged speakers on whether they felt progress was too fast or too slow. Conflicting messages were being given. She observed that work on climate change will take time adding that the new performance framework will allow intelligence-led decisions to be made.
Responding to members’ comments Councillor Jeff Clarke agreed that it is important to move at the right pace. Work will need to be aligned with that of the District and Borough Councils. He reassured that the LTP would not be ignored; officers are obliged to refer to it. Railways will be included in the LTP as will consideration around air quality. Consultation will be a key element of the plan’s development, but this will take time if it is to be done properly.
A vote was held.
That Cabinet:
1) endorses the proposals in this report regarding democratic
oversight and decision making, timescales, and financing of the Local
Transport Plan refresh project.
2) approves the further development of the Issues and
Opportunities that the next Local Transport Plan could address and
authorises the Strategic Director for Communities, in consultation with the
Portfolio Holder for Transport & Planning, to approve materials for public
consultation at the earliest opportunity in 2021.
3) establishes a Cross-Party Working Group to be consulted on the refresh, chaired by the Portfolioholder for Transport & Planning and
with other members nominated by the Group Leaders, in accordance with
the Terms of Reference attached as Appendix B.